Resources for Our Community
Food resources
Free food at the Umana:
Free meals! BPS offers free meals at the Umana, open Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10:00 AM to 6:00 p. M. Food sites will be open during the fall.
More information:
Project Bread:
P: 1.800.645.8333
W: http://bitly.ws/ajCB
Hotline Hours:
M-F 8am-7pm
Sat 10am - 2pm
Aunt Bertha:
A social Care Network with a database of service providers and support resources.
Search by your location: https://www.auntbertha.com/
Food Pantries:
Outreach Van Project
197 Central Square, East Boston, MA.
Thursday 7-9pm
CrossRoads Family Center
56 Havre St., East Boston, MA. 02128
Sunday/Wednesday 3-4pm
ABCD/East Boston APAC
21 Meridian St., East Boston, MA. 02128
Monday-Friday 10-3pm
Mental health resources
BEST Bay Cove Urgent Care:
Solomon Carter Fuller Mental Health Center
85 East Newton Street, 1st Floor
Boston, MA 02118
BEST North Suffolk Urgent Care:
Erich Lindemann Mental Health Center
25 Staniford Street, 2nd Floor
Boston, MA 02114
BEST North Suffolk Urgent Care:
140 B South Street
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
Accessing Mental Health Services
Contact your child/student’s counselor.
School psychologists, social workers, and counselors will be reaching out to families to develop plans for supporting individual students while school is closed. If your child/student does not currently see a counselor, but you have concerns please reach out to your school psychologist.Contact your child/student’s doctor.
For additional support over the closure, reach out to your child’s doctor. Use online messaging or the phone to contact the office and identify resources.Call the BEST team: 1-800-981-HELP (4357)
The Boston Emergency Services Team (B.E.S.T.) sends mobile crisis clinicians to homes, schools, outpatient clinics and many other community locations.Go to urgent care center or clinic
In the case of an emergency, local urgent care centers or clinics can provide additional support. BEST urgent care locations recommend you call ahead before visiting: 1-800-981-4357